
This whitepaper introduces a new destablecoin asset class designation alongside the open-source liquidity protocol, which is an improved version of already successful overcollateralized crypto-backed projects by further optimizing on safety and capital efficiency.

The Helio Protocol is designed to provide users an alternative to generate sustainable yield and unlock liquidity for their locked crypto assets. The protocol lends out HAY to borrowers who use liquid staked BNB as collateral, in return receives a competitive interest rate against their collateralized assets through HAY staking and providing liquidity on DEXes.

Helio Protocol aims to become the leading destablecoin and trusted reference rate enabler in the BNB Chain ecosystem. The yield-generating function is the first step toward incentivizing liquidity provision, which enables further growth of Helio Protocol’s functionality. In holding and borrowing HAY, users will be investing in the broader Helio ecosystem with the goal of making it the go-to settlement layer across the broader crypto space.

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