Core Components

Helio Protocol functions as a set of smart contracts that interact with other blockchains and contracts.

The main components that make up Helio Protocol are:

  • MakerDAO set — the Maker Protocol, also known as the Multi-Collateral Dai (MCD) system that allows users to generate HAY by leveraging collateralized assets.

  • HelioRewards — rewards distribution in the HELIO rewards token.

  • HelioToken — BEP-20 compatible rewards token given to the user for borrowing HAY.

  • HelioOracle — oracle for the HELIO rewards token.

  • Yield converter router — finds the best way to obtain aBNBc, which is an intermediate token used during the process of collateralizing a user's assets.

  • CeToken — ceABNBc, which is the underlying collateral token inside MakerDAO.

  • CeVault — stores obtained aBNBc, which is an intermediate token used during the process of collateralizing a user's assets.

  • HelioProvider — wraps BNB into ceABNBc via the yield converter router.

  • Interaction — proxy for the MakerDAO contracts. Provides deposit, withdraw, borrow, payback, and liquidation functions to the end users.

  • AuctionProxy — entrypoint for Dutch auction methods, which is part of the liquidation process of user's assets. Allow users to start and participate in auctions.

  • aBNBc — liquid yield-bearing token used during the process of collateralizing a user's assets.

  • hBNB — token minted for the user as a deposit receipt for their collateral.s assets, borrow HAY, repay HAY, withdraw collateralized assets, liquidate collateralized assets.the collateralized assets, in HELIO.

In addition to these contracts, the Helio Protocol interacts with smart contracts to extract the yield from the reward bearing tokens it uses and PancakeSwap as well as other stableswap DEXes — to for the swap exchange of tokens with low fees and low slippage.

Last updated